The miso soup was really simple and really good, and a bit like congee. Here's what was in it:
1/2 cup cooked rice
1 inch ginger, grated
1 small carrot, finely chopped
4 cups water
2-3 Tbsp. miso (I used 1/2 red pepper miso and 1/2 homemade miso)
Simmer together everything except the miso for about 15 minutes, until the rice is falling apart. Then remove from heat and stir in the miso. You could add in anything to this and it would be great (green onion, tofu, broccoli, asparagus, etc.).
The ginger was great for stimulating my digestion and the rice made it more filling than just a broth.
Later I enjoyed a mango- We only have 4 left in our case!
I couldn't resist doing some baking today, even if I'm not eating cookies yet!
Here's Trouble with some "You got PB in my Chocolate" cookies from ED&BV.
What IS miso? Have you posted a recipe for homemade miso?
Trouble is really cute! And those cookies look fantastic.
Yea for gluten free bread success! I'm glad Mike liked it. Was that a bread machine loaf or conventional oven?
I've been thinking about doing a multi-day fast. Whenever I do eat gluten it's because I'm afraid of being hungry. I'm hoping that fasting for a few days would break that fear so that I'd be less likely to give in to gluten when I'm hungry. What do you think?
already done with the fast?
Miso is a fermented soybean paste. I think not even Japanese moms make their own. You can get it at any Asian grocery store.
You must have some serious willpower not to eat those cookies! How much longer is your fast?
Jennifer- Check out my miso post at
The recipe I used is from Wild Fermentation by Sandor Katz.
Mary Frances-
I used a conventional oven, but I'm almost convinced to buy a bread machine! As for the fast- it might be helpful. At least it probably won't hurt!
Yep, I'm done. I don't fast longer than 3-4 days or I get a bit too obsessive about it.
Vegan_Noodle- I'm done fasting now, yesterday was a transition day when I just ate really simple foods in small quantities.
i want you furry friends
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