We hosted Thanksgiving this year- that's mostly been the tradition lately. I love doing the cooking and Mike's mom is perfectly happy to bring anything I need and help with the grocery bill. We're a perfect in-law match! (actually not in law, since the law is not involved in our relationship. But you know what I mean). Mike's family is always a good sport about the whole vegan thing- no complaints about the missing turkey or anything.
Mike will surely read this and make fun of me, but I want to post a picture of the table because I think it looked really cute! The yellow candle holders are glasses with layers of tissue paper wrapped around them- they look really pretty when the light shines through. The idea is from the November issue of Martha Stewart Living. I broke out some homemade pickles on the table for snacking and the kids devoured them!
This is the first year I haven't made a seitan-tofu turkey a la Bryanna Clark Grogan. I really love her recipe, but this year we made sure everything was wheat free and mostly gluten free for Mike. And I just can't figure out how to make a "turkey" like that without wheat gluten. So I made some tofu turkey cutlets marinated in poultry seasoning, nutritional yeast, and veg. broth. And in case they weren't that good, I crusted them, fried them, and baked them to make up for it. They were that good, though.
When I was a little girl I remember seeing my Meemaw bake HUGE pans of cornbread on Thanksgiving, only to break it up into bits for the dressing/stuffing. I always felt sad seeing the perfect cornbread get smashed, but it's a necessary evil for this amazing dish!
For dessert I broke out yet another Martha recipe. This is the "Triple Chocolate Pumpkin Pie" from the Nov. 2008 issue. I subbed a 12 point whatever ounce pack of silken tofu for the 12 oz. of evaporated milk and 3 eggs called for in the recipe and used Newman's wheat and dairy free O's for the crust instead of graham crackers. What happened to the creme filling on all those O's, you ask? I'll never tell!
Since the O's have barley flour, this isn't gluten free. But you could just use any GF cookie you can find. I couldn't bring myself to bake cookies and then smash them to make a crust. That plus the cornbread destruction might have been too much for my delicate constitution. {I used to cry when balloons popped}
On top of the pie is some whipped Soyatoo cream. I've had the stuff in a can and wasn't that impressed. It deflated as soon as it left the can! But this was the liquid variety that you whip at home and I thought it was 100% better. Plus it was fun to whip it good in my KitchenAid. Seward Co-op in Minneapolis carries it.
We had a great day just chatting and eating and enjoying each other's company. Now the kids are off to grandma's for the annual setting up of the Christmas decorations, I'm up from my nap, and I'm ready for leftovers. Hope everyone else's Thanksgiving was as good as ours!
FAAAAAAABULOUS Thanksgiving feast!! And hooray for Martha Stewart :-D
That pie looks amazing! Well done on all that delicious-looking food!
It all looks fantastic! I would LOVE to host a vegetarian Thanksgiving dinner, but my family isn't very "into" the whole vegetarian thing, so I'm on my own there.
That pie, oh my goodness. I dislike pie because I cannot stand pie crust, but a Newman O crust is completely different, and add to that pumpkin? Oh man.
If he laughs at you, then he has to laugh at ME too because I took a picture of ou rtable also, haha
Yours is so cute! I love all the colors!Th'ts so sweet of your family to do a vegan/wheat free dinner!
Oh that all looks so good. Yum. I too opted for the Soyatoo in a box this year instead of the stuff in the can after being completely dissapointed with it year after year and yeah, the home-whipped kind is way better.
But I miss Hip Whip. Whatever happened to Hip Whip?
your thanksgiving looks wonderful! the table is totally cute, i love it. and i also love that you baked, breaded, and fried the tofu...just to make sure. covering all the bases! i didn't bake my own bread for stuffing this year because i couldn't bear to just destroy it...even though it would have been totally worth it. it would have been too sad, i think. also, that pie looks AMAZING! you're so martha stewart-y right now :)
Your table is cute. Great colors. I haven't tried the liquid soyatoo yet but I just saw it over at Pangea online and was so tempted to buy some. I'm glad to see it got good reviews. I'll have to pick some up next time I'm ordering.
All of the thanksgiving food looks delicious, especially the chocolate-pumpkin pie - I need to give that a try.
Your Thanksgiving sounds wonderful! Delicious alternative you might want to try instead of Soyatoo some day- coconut cream with guar gum.
I want that pie. Seriously. I am so impressed with your creative cooking!
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